U.S. Military branches are all working on something HUGE

February 22, 2017

Please share and comment if you support our military! With Trump in office, military branches are all drafting plans of expansion, to improve a military that has become ‘depleted’. foxnews.com reports: From the Air Force to the Army, America’s military service branches are busy preparing ambitious proposals to expand, as President Trump renews his pledge to rebuild a fighting force he says has become “depleted.” “Our country will never have…


BREAKING: Melissa McCarthy FIRED From $8 Million Acting Gig Thanks To President Trump

February 22, 2017

Liberal actress Melissa McCarthy has lost a major contract with a 20th Century FOX affiliated company over her attacks on the president and his press secretary, Sean Spicer. McCarthy, who dressed like Spicer for two separate Saturday Night Live appearances, went too far with her impression and impugned the dignity and honor of the Office of the President and his senior staff. President Trump in return sent a letter to…


BREAKING: Obama’s Secret Service Protection Just Walked Out On Him After He Ignored A Veteran

February 22, 2017

The Secret Service agents assigned to protect former presidents consider themselves lucky. They get to spend their days providing security for legendary men who are, for the most part, not in the kind of danger they would be if they were still sitting in the Oval Office. Still, it’s not a job any of them take lightly. Barack Obama’s team, after just a month, has already had enough. According to…


IT’S OVER: What Wikileaks Revealed Will Put John McCain in JAIL Tomorrow **MAKE THIS GO VIRAL

February 22, 2017

OMG!  It’s over for John McCain! A WikiLeaks document just surfaced that exposes John McCain as the CRIMINAL TRAITOR that he truly is! (see below) In case you forgot, it was John McCain who was responsible for the FAKE Russia dossier claiming Trump had ties to Russia and Russian prostitutes. He said possible Russian hacking into John Podesta’s email was an “ACT OF WAR.” But a 2008 WikiLeaks document has just leaked showing that McCain…