IT’S OVER! Trump In SHOCK At What Syrian President Assad Said To Him Moments Ago…

February 10, 2017

The lying liberal media has been running Trump’s travel ban in the ground. This is wrong of them. The entire thing is being put in place to help protect every day Americans. They are wrong, but Syrian President Bashar Assad recently told Yahoo news something that will leave every reporter with their jaw on the floor. Syrian President Bashar Assad told Yahoo News that some refugees from his country are…


BREAKING: Right After Court SHUT DOWN Travel Ban, Trump Stuck Back with This BRUTAL THREAT!

February 10, 2017

Just an hour ago the 9th Appeals Court of San Francisco ruled to uphold the suspension of Donald Trump’s travel ban of 7 terror plagued countries. You can bet the President was NOT happy to hear this. That’s why he immediately shot back with a Tweet and Facebook post that has the liberals scared like little babies… Trump Tweeted: He is right. This is not just some stupid game Donald…


Dem Sen. Called for Extreme Vetting of Gorsuch… Turns Out Sen. Lied About Vietnam Service!

February 10, 2017

He lied about his military service for years, but Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal called for extreme vetting of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court justice pick Neil Gorsuch. According to the Washington Free Beacon, Blumenthal said that he will personally ensure that “every aspect of his (Gorsuch’s) background” will be investigated. The Democrat told The Wall Street Journal: “It is important that every aspect of his background be critically and closely scrutinized.” But like most things…


BREAKING:Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Scandal Erupts…Shocking Proof He Betrayed America

February 10, 2017

The evidence against Obama and his ties to radical Islam keeps growing even after he left office. Now we have bombshell proof he was actively betraying America in office. Brigitte Gabriel, President of ACT for America, just exposed and destroyed these secret ties Obama desperately tried to keep hidden from us. Gabriel brutally exposes Obama saying, “The Muslim Brotherhood has one main goal…to infiltrate and take over the United States…